Christ the Saviour Chapel at St. Gertrude Church in Kaunas


During the LGD period, near St. Gertrude church, in the place of the contemporary Laisvės Avenue, there was a Catholic parish cemetery containing a large wooden cross with a figure of the Christ. The cross became known as being miraculous and in the second half of the 18th century the wooden Christ the Saviour chapel was constructed around the cross. The large cemetery cross was placed in the central altar of the chapel. In 1850, during the construction of the new road - Nikolajevski Boulevard (contemporary Laisvės avenue), the altar with its miracle working cross was moved to St. Gertrude church, and was installed in the fourth wooden altar, adorned with columns. Nowadays the cross is located in the presbytery of the church, between the old and the new altars.

Vaida Kamuntavičienė