Kaunas Town Hall reconstruction in 1771-1780

Address: Kauno m. sav., Kauno m., Rotušės a. 15

Built in the 16th century, the Town Hall suffered damage in the fire of 1732, its walls and roof started to decay and thus by the middle of 18th century the Town Hall was in constant need of repair. Lacking funds, the attempts to renovate the Town Hall without major reconstruction in 1763-1768 were unsuccessful. In the magistrate's meeting of 27th June 1771, the townspeople’s representatives decided by a majority of votes to renovate the Town Hall with the income from the town's wood that had been sold in Prussia. In 1773 the townspeople decided to reconstruct the Town Hall and reconstruction works started with the tower. Intensive reconstruction, supervised by the architect Jan Mattekier (Jonas Matekeris) continued until 1780.

Liudas Glemža

1771 - 1780
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