The illuminations of Kaunas Town Hall

Address: Kauno m. sav., Kauno m., Rotušės a. 15

The illuminations of Kaunas Town Hall were arranged to honour various rulers and are connected with the beginning of the state celebrations. On 3rd August 1752, the first Kaunas Town Hall illumination was arranged and were dedicated to August III, King of Poland and Lithuanian Grand Duke. Later in 1764 Kaunas townspeople organised illuminations to mark the coronation of Stanislav August, the last ruler of the Lithuanian-Polish Commonwealth and from 1776 festive illuminations were arranged every year in the Town Hall and in the whole town to celebrate Stanislav August's name day (8th of May) or his coronation anniversary (25th of November), and sometimes on both occasions. At the end of 1794, when the tsarist administration had taken over, festive celebrations were ordered in honour of the Russian ruler Catherine II.

Liudas Glemža