Jesuit monastery in Kaunas

Address: Kauno m. sav., Kauno m., Rotušės a. 7

In 1642 Jesuit province superior Fabricius sent the first Jesuits to Kaunas: Adomas Sabaliauskas from Kražiai college, Jurgis Grenbergas, and brothers Albert, Casimir and Peter Wijuk Kojalowicz (Albertas, Kazimieras and Petras Vijūkas-Kojalavičius). Since the architectural research of the current monastery hasn’t been conducted there is no data on how the first monastery, which was formed from the connected residential houses, looked like. The historical material available states that in 1732 the building burned down and a new two-floor monastery was constructed in 1761-1768. Following a 1925 design by the architect E. Pejeris, who took into consideration the existing shape and façades, two more floors were built. In 1819-1823 the famous Lithuania poet Adomas Mickevičius lived in the flat converted from a monastery cell on the first floor of the Jesuit monastery.

Asta Prikockienė